I mean, I thought (and still think) that Twitch was a terrible business idea - something I'm clearly very very wrong about. Equally, there are dozens of business ideas that I thought were fantastic, but are dead in the water.
Sometimes it's good to acknowledge that your foresight can be wrong. I think engineers in particular can be overly pessimistic.
Why not occasionally take a risk on someone else's gut feeling? You won't always win, but "losing" means enjoying a cushy, well-paid office job for 2-3 years before moving on the next thing. It's hardly the end of the earth.
A lot of startup products start very different than what they end up being. Especially once the VCs get involved and the growth + business model part has to be figured out.
It’s hard to say that the final product was the vision he bought into when joining early on. I’m sure it was very hypey too.