Amusing personal anecdote -- the Knight debacle caused the market in general to tumble. The week before a coworker of mine -- sure of a market drop but for other reasons -- had bought a raft or puts on the S&P 500. When I saw looking glum at work after the Knight news broke, I asked him what was wrong didn't you make a ton? Yeah, he said, but I can't get out cause my account's with Knight.
Cool story, didn't happen. There were no retail trading accounts at Knight. In fact, there was no outside money of any kind. The S&P500 fell about 0.75% on the day in question: a non-trivial decline, but not really remarkable. It was up about 0.4% on the week. Also, this is incredibly not how the OCC deals with members in default.
That is to say I have repeated what I was told. And it’s funny — I was all set to go to battle stations over this: 1) The close is not the same as how bad it was intraday. 2) Yes, the SIPC and CFTC have controls and he was able to access his account eventually after the profit opportunity was gone. 3) He was a sophisticated investor, and if Knight had retail accounts he might have been with them.
But in retrospect it’s too clever - it’s much more likely in my estimation that the dude in question with whom I worked was simply full of shit. He tells a bad beat story and it’s not like any of us asked to see statements. It never even occurred to me to doubt it until now.
The Knight trading misbehavior bid the market up, not down. It didn't make its intraday lows until about 12:30 and the S&P500 never fell by more than 1%. Maybe if the puts were on Knight itself ...
The article states “The NYSE was planning to launch a new Retail Liquidity Program (a program meant to provide improved pricing to retail investors through retail brokers, like Knight)”
This pretty strongly implies Knight was a retail broker.
You're misreading because the sentence is unclear possibly because the author doesn't know much about market structure.
The NYSE program was to provide improved pricing to retail investors through retail brokers. The people who provide the pricing to the retail brokers were market makers like Knight, Jump etc. You didn't have a brokerage account with Knight, your broker would trade in the market and Knight would take the other side.
I don't know precisely what the article means. The NYSE Retail Liquidity Program, which still exists, describes two categories of participants: member organizations (MOs) and liquidity providers (LPs). MOs have retail orders, which are defined as originating with an actual person, ie not a computer. LPs provide liquidity to those orders, ie they take the other side of the trade.
I believe Knight would have been interested as an LP. It is not inconceivable that in some circumstances Knight would have been able to submit retail flow as an MO, but 100% of that flow would have been routed to it from brokerages holding actual retail accounts.
Knight was a trading firm, not a hedge fund, and certainly not an institution which held outside money in retail accounts. But consider an entity which does have retail accounts and also has propriety trading for its own account. Suggesting that the former would become inaccessible if the latter lost lots of capital in bad trading is absurd, would mean that retail-customer and proprietary monies were mingled, and would require the violation of untold numbers of regulations. This did not happen with Knight and indeed has never, ever happened.
As an example in the case of Lehman Brothers their bankruptcy didn’t affect retail customers who were protected by the SIPC and whose investment accounts were quickly move to other brokerages.
But it’s not always so sanguine. To find a bankruptcy with commingled prop and customer funds you need only look to MF Global. To find a retail brokerage bankruptcy with commingled funds you can go “Wolf of Wall Street” and look at Stratton Oakmont.
And despite how smooth everything turned out for Lehman there was a period of a day or two for some retail guys where it wasn’t exactly clear where your money was.
Back when I used to smoke I would ocassionally hang out with this guy from an investment bank that traded on the Japanese exchange. They had really cool working hours (started a lot later in the day) because we were based in Hawaii which is a few hours behind Japan.
Anyway, the guy told me that they had multiple big red physical kill switches so that they could immediately turn things off if shit ever hit the fan with their systems.
If you have ever spent time in Michigan you'll notice that the manufacturer test vehicles have a big ass red button on the dashboard to kill the vehicle in case something goes wrong.
I cannot imagine doing anything remotely close to this sort of thing without a big ass red kill switch on my desk.
They did have a kill switch. What they did not have was someone with the authority and guts to throw it in time.
This may have something to do with the fact that killing a HFT bot without some kind of orderly wind-down might leave you with some very expensive open positions.
I'm not sure the conclusion of the post is the "One and Only Answer" because a fully automated deploy process has another risk that has bitten both AWS and Google at some point: fully automatically taking down huge amounts of instances.
Not to mention your deployment code itself can be buggy and is very difficult to write tests for. I actually got bitten by this recently. An automated deployment that I wrote years ago had an edge case race condition that could cause multiple deployments running from containers on the same docker host to collide, where the package from the first deployment would be pushed to the target of the second deployment. That deployment worked reliably for years, until one day it didn't. It was... a very stressful day.
Automated checks. For example, in this case, confirming that the other containers are quiescent (as they are supposed to be) and locking them down before the potentially conflicting operation.
I'd be willing to bet that it's extremely rare for a fully automated process to have absolutely no guardrails/checks/tests, and it's also extremely rare for a fully automated process to have 100% test coverage.
If this check existed and the system failed in some other way, it would be characterized as "fully automated with no guardrails" (for the scenario which caused the failure). "We had tests but missed an edge case" usually doesn't get you any sympathy.
So what's left? Formally proving correctness is overkill for most things. The "end-to-end" argument [1] might be able to detect when something goes wrong at the end to rollback or alert, but what if the intermediate steps have already caused damage or prevent the "end" from being reached entirely? If a run is taking longer than usual, how do you differentiate between harmless delays in the intermediate steps, and the run being entirely broken somehow?
Thanks - the top comment from vijucat in the 2015 discussion is anxiety inducing.
“ - Ctrl-r for reverse-search through history
- typing 'ps' to find the process status utility (of course)
- pressing Enter,....and realizing that Ctrl-r actually found '' in history instead. (There's a ps inside”
I had a habit of doing `sudo shutdown now` on my desktop as I'm leaving my office. I don't know why, it takes longer than simply hitting the power button.
Didn't notice I was still SSH'ed into "the" server which was at the time a single point of failure for my entire project, and as a lowly not-an-IT-person-just-a-developer in our corporate environment, I didn't have access to the machine to go power it back on. And the IT people I knew who could help had gone home for the day.
Felt super dumb writing that up in the downtime log the next day.
Having read this article, it makes me super glad I'm working on very niche slow-paced stuff which, when goes down for ~12 hours, is a minor annoyance to our users rather than "you're costing us millions of $currency per minute" :-)
Thanks. This comment from 2015 by `ooOOoo` is also worth highlighting.
> The post is quite poor and suffer a lot from hindsight bias.
> Following article is so much better
FYI, this doesn’t come through as expected: the link isn’t clickable and the text isn’t readable. Please avoid using code formatting for quotes; > * ... * is a readable alternative.
This is less DevOps and more poor software engineering practices (code reviews, unit testing, paying off your technical debt through refactoring/removing old code, etc), although properly managing and instrumenting deploys might have stemmed the bleeding and kept losses manageable.
It's good though; poor decisions must have a cost. The only way to enforce good engineering practices that are human time intensive is for there to be a cost not to.
I think at it's core it is right in the guts of DevOps. The "flag" that protects dead code is dev, and the unforeseen deployment scenario is ops. With a DevOps mindset you need to think of both. I think it is a stellar example of what can go wrong if you don't consider both the dev and the ops aspects.
Automate deployment? Fine but boring. That's the prevailing dogma today. I don't remember where the devops hype train was in 2012. Package management had already been a solved problem for years even though it was (and continues to) be regarded as involving too much "icky reading" and a repository system using plain directories on vanilla webservers; all way too unoptimized for resume padding.
Learn how to identify and manage risk like an engineer? Understand how business process and software can implement risk controls and mitigations?
There's a whole slew of lessons to learn from this. Leaving dead code in your system and then deciding to repurpose it. Manually deploying with no verification. No checks in place to disable a system during crazy behaviour. No real alerting system. No procedures in place for when a system goes wrong. No audit log to refer to when rolling back.
The lesson from this article is kind of funny
>It is not enough to build great software and test it; you also have to ensure it is delivered to market correctly so that your customers get the value you are delivering
While true, I don't see any indication this was great software or that it was properly tested.
>Had Knight implemented an automated deployment system – complete with configuration, deployment and test automation – the error that cause the Knightmare would have been avoided.
Or to put it another way - had Knight implemented a higher quality deployment system than the quality of any of their other systems, they might have avoided this issue.
These stories are never about a single thing gone wrong. The whole point about critical systems is that you should need dozens of things to go wrong for them to fail, and then you should fail safe.