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But both genders can feed the baby. It is not a rare situation where a mother doesn't have enough milk to feed a baby without additional food.

What other things are mother-only things in your opinion?

Also: pump and store the milk. It’s not hard. Dads can feed breastfed babies too! Just out of a bottle.

Posting a link without at least a short summary of what argument this link should prove or disprove is not very inviting for discussion.

Especially as my comment didn't even touch upon pro or contra breastfeeding but just stated a simple fact or reality.

I'm not sure what the point of this is, you can post any studies you want but that wont change the fact that plenty of people wont breastfeed for one reason or another

Looks like you guys have reached a deadlock :) It's not all about IQ though. Breastmilk works way better than formula for general health, it helps the baby fight infections and build a good immune system.

I recently read a book by a swedish immunologist on breastfeeding and atleast according to that author that is not really true. Breastmilk does help to fight infections but it does not help to build a good immune system. If anything, the opposite is true since less infections gives the immune system less practice. Some animals can transfer parts of the mothers immune system via breastmilk, humans can not. And even the temporary protection against infections from breastmilk is very limited. If you live in a country without good quality drinking water breastmilk is great though.

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