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Is anyone else redirected by this url to https://guce.advertising.com/collectIdentifiers?sessionId=3_... ?


My router is blocking this domain on DNS level in OpenWRT, techcrunch.com is redirecting me there, so I can't visit this page.

Edit: I literally can not visit any techcrunch.com article, all of them redirect me to this doggy ads+tracking domain. It doesn't matter if I came from google, DDG, reddit or HN.

Same here. I’ve learned to ignore Techcrunch and other similar websites from Yahoo/Verizon.

The redirect you’re getting is to a “consent” page that’s not actually compliant with the GDPR as it takes a good 5 minutes to opt out of all the bullshit tracking and even then I don’t trust it to actually opt me out and not track.

Yahoo/Verizon is cancer and should die in a fire.

I'm not redirected, but I have uBlock Origin/uMatrix blocking third-party scripts which might be the source of the redirect.

I can confirm that I'm being redirected as well.

Same here and this isn't the first article from techcrunch on HN which redirects me. To be honest, it's kinda pissing me off to click HN articles just to get redirected to spam/ad or in my case a warning page notifying me of the redirect...

This screams of a huge need for a browser add-on to just let you automatically filter these things. I know I'd use it.

I get the same, and after much investigation and trying to configure uBlock decided to just allow it at the DNS level. The redirect is happening with HTTP redirects so you can't just block JS.

I am not being redirected

uMatrix does this for 4 out of 5 techcrunch.com articles I accidentally try to read.

It's a feature, not a bug.

Now I avoid TC at all costs, it's contaminated with vile ad trackers.

This was happening to me the other day!

It's a Javascript based redirect; block all JS on the page and it'll stop happening. Super annoying.

> It's a Javascript based redirect

No it isn't.

    GET https://techcrunch.com/2020/02/03/microsoft-teams-has-been-down-this-morning/
    HTTP/2 307 Temporary Redirect 157ms

Huh, sorry for that then. I used to get this all the time with TC, Engadget and a few other sites, but since turning JS off, it's stopped. Something else must have changed around the same time I tinkered with it.

If I block all JS, it still redirects and then uMatrix shows a page informing me that the ads page is blocked. The very first scripts I could allow are those ad scripts. Simply unusable page. "techcrunch" ...

Force page refresh? I've seen some interesting behavior with uMatrix before regarding browser caching.

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