I would say no, not worth it if you rely on using your mac for developing software and don't want to spend two days getting everything to work again!
I run 10.15 at work, and 10.14 at home, and so far, here are a couple of the issues I've run with 10.15.
1) Some weirdness around XCode and XCode Command Line Tools that made installing node-gyp a huge pain. I mean, look at these instructions and tell me if this is something you want to deal with: https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp/blob/master/macOS_Catalin...
2) Change of default shell in 10.15 from bash to zsh. Kind of minor, but Apple doesn't want to use Bash 5.2 because of licensing. Great.
3) Lack of support for 32 bit programs. This is actually a big deal for me, since a course I am taking requires the use of WinBugs (I know, we should use STAN :) ), which is only available in 32 bit pre-compiled binaries. There is an unfortunately large amount of software like this!
Every major update appears to uninstall xcode command line tools. All you have to do is that xcode-select --install or whatever it is, but I mean, god, how much testing do they do to not see this.
Also there's some weird bug with external monitors where after waking up from sleeping the TrueTone is maladjusted leaving the screen super dark- turning TrueTone off and back on again (of course) fixes it.
1. I hadn't seen that guide, but there is some issue where Catalina thinks that the command line tools installed are up to date, but `brew doctor` reports otherwise and you are forced to manually download the command line tools, just like in that guide.
2. I tried zsh briefly, then just used the bash that you can install via homebrew.
1) Some weirdness around XCode and XCode Command Line Tools that made installing node-gyp a huge pain. I mean, look at these instructions and tell me if this is something you want to deal with: https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp/blob/master/macOS_Catalin...
2) Change of default shell in 10.15 from bash to zsh. Kind of minor, but Apple doesn't want to use Bash 5.2 because of licensing. Great.
3) Lack of support for 32 bit programs. This is actually a big deal for me, since a course I am taking requires the use of WinBugs (I know, we should use STAN :) ), which is only available in 32 bit pre-compiled binaries. There is an unfortunately large amount of software like this!