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AFAIK, the problems with running Pytorch on TPUs have mostly been ironed out.

Also, this move makes a lot of sense for OpenAI. TF is a nightmare of different modules kludged on top of one another, many of which do the same thing. The API has changed so much even in a few years that code from previous versions won't run without -- in some cases -- significant modification. Finally, it's always been horrible to debug, since it obfuscates the actual workings of the network behind a sess.run().

Pytorch is not only a far more productive language (by virtue of the fact that it's far easier to debug), it also has a better ecosystem now because old code still runs. For students, it's also far easier to look at a Pytorch implementation and figure out what the author has actually done. If it's a choice between getting your hands dirty with low-level TF, bending Keras to your will, or putting something together in Pytorch, the latter is just the better choice. It works on TPUs, and it has Tensorboard, a C++ API for robotics, and (afaik) recently developed deployment tools.

The cost of switching from TF to Pytorch is vastly outweighed by the loss of inertia that OpenAI will experience if they don't, simply because everyone else is using a toolkit that they don't support.

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