people say this all the time but poor people are having kids at a much higher rate than rich people so the theory doesn't pan- if your goal was to have kids you'd stay with your high school sweetheart. and now you'll say "but the banker is trying to attract a high quality mate" to which I'll say that's circular as "quality" here is a synonynm for status.
celibate or not I wouldn't discount Nietzsche; he was pretty insightful.
>people say this all the time but poor people are having kids at a much higher rate than rich people so the theory doesn't pan- if your goal was to have kids you'd stay with your high school
The theory definitely pans.
You just tried to make it fail by putting the cart about 500 miles in front of the horse. Many accomplished people don't want kids at all and if they do, they usually don't want a lot of them.
If they wanted to have a bunch of kids they could.
They're not "losing" to people in third world countries by not having kids.
>I wouldn't discount Nietzsche
I wouldn't judge theories based on who made them. Judge them based on their own quality, logic and evidence.
Perhaps "mating" was the wrong word - the goal is not always to have a monogamous relationship with kids, but to attract higher perceived quality and quantity of sexual partners.
celibate or not I wouldn't discount Nietzsche; he was pretty insightful.