For one, taskwiki, which if you use task means you have a great way to bang a checkbox in a vimwiki file and have that create a task.
MY company uses outlook so I sync the outlook calendar to khal using vdirsyncer. I then can use a (really janky) vimscript function of my own devising to add the calendar and some standard stuff to a "daily note". So I go <leader>ww and it creates a note for the day and adds my calendar and then I use that for all the basic notes for the day.
vimoutliner for when I absolutely want an actual outliner to do some planning. It's not always the right tool, but when it is, it's great, and it integrates perfectly with fzf. The other thing is that because notational-fzf is just doing a fuzzy find over text, I point it at all my sourcecode dirs for immediate jumping to particular files, functions etc in sourcecode.