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Indeed. A decent version of Android (for example, one without Sense) running on awesome hardware would be nice to have. I've yet to see anybody come even close to Apple in terms of hardware.

And at this point, apps are a pretty big differentiator between iOS/Android and everything else. WP7 is going to struggle in that department.

Ah well. Only a few months back everyone said the same about android ("What? But the appstore has like 1000 times more apps, android is not going to take of").

Keep in mind that you have the two biggest players in the world in operating systems (MS) and mobile phones (Nokia) collaborating. They have money, and as always MS will just throw money at the problem for years to make the products more appealing.

I don't know if they will succeed and have my doubts (huge, inflexible companies). But if those two big players won't succeed, then i can't imagine who will. Certainly not RIM, Palm/HP or Samsung.

MS has been throwing money at phones for years and going nowhere.

Most of what makes Nokia 'big' in terms of phones are all the commodity ones they sell. They could have worked on slimmer versions of Android to taper their line down into that market, but that won't be possible with WP7.

Nokia certainly won't up and die tomorrow, but I think it's not really a winning strategy, long term.

No, MS has been throwing _a lot_ of money at the Xbox for years and i'd say succeeded.

I was talking about mobile phones, not games. It's superfluous to say that there are many differences, many of which do not play to MS's favor in the phone market.

And you responded to my post where i didn't mention MS throwing money at phones but throwing money in every direction they think to have problems. Maybe, just maybe, they just start to realize the importance of mobile. I think you can't compare Microsofts engagement in the mobile world in the times before WinMob7. Either they realize now to put _a lot_ of effort in it (money/resources) or they will never catch up. Whatever they invested in the years before the iPhone clearly wasn't enough.

edit: It is also said that MS offered Nokia several hundred millions of dollars multiple times to make this switch.

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