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Hashbangs are a workaround. A good _solution_ would be something that doesn't require running JavaScript and doesn't mess with URL/document models most of the Web is based on.

For example, browsers could implement partial caching. Here is how it could work. The first time the browser requests a page, it gets all the content in the response. However, some fragments of the content are identified as cacheable and marked with unique ids. When a browser requests a page for the second time, it sends a list of identifiers for the cached fragments to the server. The server then doesn't render those fragments, but places small placeholders/identifiers where they should be substituted into page content.


First Request

GET index.html


First Response

[cacheable id="abc"] [h1]This is twitter[/h1] bla bla bla, header content [/cacheable] ... Page content ... [cacheable id="xyz"] footer content [/cacheable]


Second Request

GET index.html Cached: abc, xyz


Second Response

[fragment id="abc" /] ... Page content ... [fragment id="xyz" /]

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