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Sex in Space (wikipedia.org)
16 points by void_nill on Jan 9, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

One problem that I envision with sex in space is space adaptation syndrome, i.e. space sickness. I imagine there are few things that spoil the mood faster that vomiting on your partner.

On the other hand, I believe that sex in reduced gravity (e.g. on the moon or Mars) would have significant advantages. Reduced gravity would mean less effort required to keep ones weight off of ones partner, and could make some positions that are difficult in one gravity, easier.

Gravity actually makes it easier to go back and forth, no?

The idea that they should stay on a fraternal basis was big at NASA: out of the 1,348 pages of the tome NASA had compiled called Human Relations in Transit to Mars, only a single page was devoted to the subject of sex; and that page advised against it.[1]

[1] Red Mars, Kim Stanley Robinson

Come on, if it's possible under water [1] it must be possible in zero gravity.

[1] pornhub.com

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