Charities send mail because it helps them raise money, and it's one place that direct mail still works, and it works well. You can call the org and have them take you off their mailing list. I would just ask that if you do, also set up a recurring donation. One time donations are nice, recurring donations are better.
But if you're more comfortable giving Facebook more data about you (donations contain a lot of information) but not giving that data to the charity, why are you donating to them in the first place?
> Charities send mail because it helps them raise money
not every activity that helps you raise money is something you should do, even if you're a charity.
if they'd confine themselves to pestering donors who'd given them >$500, or even donated more than once, it'd be one thing.
> You can call the org and have them take you off their mailing list.
been there, tried that. less effective than you'd like me to believe! (and then they've got my phone number, too.)
> But if you're more comfortable giving Facebook more data about you (donations contain a lot of information) but not giving that data to the charity, why are you donating to them in the first place?
i don't care if the charity knows who i am; i don't care if anyone (facebook or otherwise) knows about my donations.
i care that the charities will pester me for YEARS because i gave them less money than they'll spend printing out the wads of full color mail they'll send me.
Are you asking why people don’t want to sign up for getting spammed by charities? Just because it’s easy to unsubscribe doesn’t mean I want to have to do that.
I just want to help out a non profit. My recurring donation is that they don’t need to waste money to spam me anymore.
wait, facebook does something to help me maintain my privacy? i hate giving some place $25 and then getting monthly mail for the next 10 years.