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Can you talk us through a scenario where you'd exploit Dual_EC to break encrypted flash storage?

It's indicative more than a break of encrypted storage.

For example ATECC508A, a common secure element chip used in a lot of designs. It does ECDSA signing, using DUAL_EC_DRBG (based on the description, it's not mentioned) and produces non-deterministic ECDSA signatures. You can establish this by asking it to sign the same message twice, and the nonce selection is random rather than static for the two requests. This is a very strong indicator that the chip is significantly weak as it's not using the standard RFC6979 which was specified in 2013.

Commonly a lot of "secure" software implementations use the output of the STM32's "TRNG" as a source of entropy, such as many Bitcoin hardware wallets. I don't believe that this is a strong design, based on the documentation that has been made public. It is supposedly based on the output of multiple synchronized ring oscillators which are XOR'd to produce a output into a 32 bit buffer. The documentation goes to a huge length to try and justify it as a secure source of entropy, but the speed of it (the RNG RDY flag) is much too fast for it to possibly be true.

    uint32_t random32(void) {
      static uint32_t last = 0, new = 0;
      while (new == last) {
        if ((RNG_SR & (RNG_SR_SECS | RNG_SR_CECS | RNG_SR_DRDY)) == RNG_SR_DRDY) {
          new = RNG_DR;
      last = new;
      return new;
A common implementation of reading the output of the STM32 RNG is this snippet, which has a single bit of bias, which is enough to break things like ECDSA signatures if used for the selection of k.

The general comment is that people seem to be far too trusting in these devices actually implementing what they say they are, or using output from hardware RNGs in a way that directly exposes the application if they were to fail or be producing predictable output.

I don't really trust any of these microcontroller designs, but the comment I replied to, on a thread about Flash protection, said that the designs weren't trustworthy because they used Dual_EC. I'm wondering if there's some direct connection between Dual_EC and storage protection. It's clear to me how Dual_EC compromises cryptographic protocol handshakes, where its output, which can be decrypted to reveal RNG state, is exposed to attackers.

For my comment, it's just indicative of design issues. Some designs do trust these devices to make RSA and ECDSA keys though, which we've seen in the past can be majorly screwed up by accident.


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