Given the false reporting done by the Washington Post on the Covington kids when they had video of the incident, I place no value in their reporting. Thanks for dragging politics into this discussion.
Except for the fact that the Washington Posts' reporting in the vast majority of cases, including Watergate and the Iraq War and Ukrainegate, is historically dead-on accurate and excellent and award-winning, and when they DO make mistakes, they actually admit it and correct it, as they already did in the case you're complaining about:
Your attempt to dismiss everything they write out of hand because of one mistake they already admitted and corrected, and instead mindlessly parroting the propaganda of a pathological liar who never admits any of his many mistakes, and has peddled at least 13,435 documented lies during his term, is the very definition of dragging politics into this discussion, and it's intellectually dishonest of you to project like that. You're the one who first dragged a demented political hack-job into this discussion, who was angling for a job in the Trump administration sabotaging science, denying climate change, and promoting Intelligent Design.
>Computer scientist David Gelernter drinks the academic Kool-Aid, buys into intelligent design: I’ve pondered at great length how a man can be apparently as intelligent as Gelernter, yet so susceptible to the blandishments of Intelligent Design—and so ignorant of the evidence that refutes it.
Honestly: Do you also choose to deny anthropogenic climate change (and Darwinian evolution for that matter) and push Intelligent Design, just like Gelernter does, and to gullibly believe Putin's propaganda about Ukraine interfering in the elections instead of Russia, just like Trump does?
>Gelernter, potential science advisor to Trump, denies man-made climate change: “For human beings to change the climate of the planet is a monstrously enormous undertaking,” Gelernter said. “I haven’t seen convincing evidence of it.”
>Apple will pay $25M to patent troll to avoid East Texas trial
>When Mirror Worlds ran out of appeals, it gave up and sold its patent—to another patent troll called Network-1 Security. In 2013, Network-1 created a similarly named LLC, this time called Mirror Worlds Technologies, and filed another lawsuit (PDF) in the Eastern District of Texas. The same patent, No. 6,006,227, was used to sue the same target, Apple.
>When Apple started to come out with features like Cover Flow and Time Machine, Gelernter believed his own ideas being used. "I know my ideas—our ideas—when I see them on a screen,” he told the New York Times in 2011, while his case was on appeal.
To address your question: You may "wonder if there is still some paths to look at down those roads", but if you follow the path that leads to Mirror Worlds, you'll get sued for patent infringement by a troll.
So exactly which facts of that article do you disagree with? And where is your proof that what the Washington Post and Yale Daily News and Wikipedia and many other sources (including himself) say about Gelernter is false, and that he does actually believe in anthropogenic climate change and Darwinian evolution, in spite of his own quoted words? Or that he was the first person to invent the idea of presenting documents in chronological order? Or is it all based on your unsupported uninformed false opinion that everything the Washington Post says is "fake news"?
Don't even bother answering if you don't have any proof.