> I imagine privacy will be viewed as a quaint notion from the past
This has been going on for some time. Do you imagine a respectable person from the past allow his wife to be groped by a stranger before entering the train? Yet, this is totally acceptable with airplanes.
I don't think it's "totally acceptable", just tolerated because it's "the authorities" doing it. I don't know of anyone who accepts what the TSA does, they just tolerate it because they feel like they need to fly and there's no other way around it.
The average person can't really do anything about the TSA, at least not in the moment. The choice is: allow yourself to be groped or don't fly. That's a really bad choice.
This has been going on for some time. Do you imagine a respectable person from the past allow his wife to be groped by a stranger before entering the train? Yet, this is totally acceptable with airplanes.