You're getting slammed for simply pointing out how luxury goods work. Obviously a Prada coat isn't worth 10-20x the price of a non-Prada coat, but the value in the signal provided by it clearly makes up the difference for those purchasing it.
Removing that signal makes it merely another coat, in a market flooded with non-Prada coats, and hence becomes comparatively useless to everyone.
That less-wealthy people will flock to, and keep demand high for, knock-off designer goods to try to obtain the same signal without the price tag in favour of just buying a quality product at their own price point only emboldens that point.
There's value in the signal, that signal is exclusivity by virtue of wealth, and if the exclusivity of that signal reduces or is removed then it becomes worthless to everyone involved.
IPhones are a different matter. They haven't much of a signal of exclusivity or wealth because, for whatever reason, even the poor will seemingly make whatever sacrifice they need to, or impose on others, to get their hands on them. I'm regularly on transit through some very, very poor areas and yet their kids all have iPhones, often the very latest. God knows what was done to enable that circumstance, but it's quite different from, say, a legitimate Prada jacket.
The only reason to buy a luxury brand is to signal that you are not poor.