In one case I've observed, the effort was _honest_. There was a real attempt to make IT have the same seat at the table as the rest of the business. That doesn't mean it was easy, and I wouldn't call it SMOOTH, but the transition itself wasn't that bad. Ironically I think if they had just 1 or 2 different people in the right places during the transition they would have done well enough for themselves I'd wish I was still working there.
In another observed case, well, the process did seem to shine a light on people who's primary duties at work were to make sure they still had a job... In that scenario it can get really ugly because the optics make it look like "We empowered IT and things got worse!" Of course ignoring how the gatekeepers would rather quietly ruin projects before giving another division a 'win'. Leads to a huge fear culture because you start to ask who's going to be the next sacrifice for the lack of real progress on anything.