To be honest, a lot of the front-end issues are going to be tough to fix for a number of reasons. There are 50+ instances of inline CSS styling on just the home page, and the CSS is minified so it's hard to pass on changes that can be made in Firebug.
As well, much of the copy on the page is using line breaks rather than new paragraphs, which is why you see funny spacing like in these examples.
While I do think the bulk of the design is quite nice, the HTML/CSS end of it could use some refactoring.
First thing to do is to get rid of the justified text. Stick with ragged-right (flush left). Then you can make a better judgement of correct line spacing after the word spacing is no longer so inconsistent.
it also looks like you're line breaking after every sentence... I would make it either one big paragraph, bullet points, or put in real paragraph breaks if they are meant to be separate paragraphs.
And on other pages columns are quite constrained, which makes for ridiculous word spacing with justification: