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Seems like a cool addition to the DAG ML tooling family. Thanks for sharing! Do you support, or plan to support, features commonly found in data science platform tools like Domino (https://www.dominodatalab.com/)? I'm thinking of container management, automatic publishing of web apps and API endpoints, providing a search for artifacts like code or projects, etc.

Good question. We have many common features covered:

- Container management: See https://docs.metaflow.org/metaflow/dependencies

- Search for artifacts: see https://docs.metaflow.org/metaflow/client

- Automatic publishing of web apps: we have this internally but it is not open-source yet. If it interests you, react to this issue (https://github.com/Netflix/metaflow/issues/3)

Let us know if you notice any other interesting features missing! Feel free to open a GitHub issue or reach out to us on http://chat.metaflow.org

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