No it can't. There are systems that track things worth less than a penny for later billing, but at the end of the month when they bill someone, they do some sort of rounding.
If you are earning interest at a bank, and you've earned a fraction of a penny, they will eventually pay it to you once you've earned enough for a whole penny.
i.e. they track your account balance to more than 2 digits, they just only show you 2 digits.
Someone should tell that to everyone who ever used a ½¢ coin in the US. Also, US law explicitly states (31 USC §5101) that the unit of 1/1000th of a dollar is a mill.
Go to a bank and ask for a $500 or $1000 note too. They won’t give you one as they aren’t in circulation anymore, but most (all?) will let you deposit it for face value.
Take two half penny coins or notes to the bank and they’ll credit your account a penny. Of course, just like with the $500 or $1000 notes, you’ll be losing money on the deal.
> A mill ... is perhaps a tad outdated.
Yet you use mills every time you pay for gas. Pointless in that case? Probably. Still used all the time? Certainly.