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Someone asks for heretical ideas. Someone else replies honestly. Honest reply is downvoted, hard.

Regardless of the merit, or not, of that idea... this whole process perfectly demonstrates the article's point.

The question was "What are some examples of ideas today that are considered heretical but may have value to them?" There's no conceivable value in homeopathy, so it's non-responsive to the question that was asked.

You are just a member of the people who consider homeopathy and water memory as an heresy. You claim that there is no value to it, but this might be wrong and the article given in reference support this possibility.

An aspect that Paul Graham did not address in his essay is the difficulty one can face to communicate about something in a domain considered an heresy. The probability to find something new in such domain is greater than the average, but the recognition is much more difficult to gain than average.

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