It’s not hard at all, and in fact is Typically easier. Google has degraded search to the point where it rarely gives me a useful result; instead the primary results are ads and “boxes”, so switching to ddg was a pleasure. tools like mail and photo aren’t as fast or convenient as local apps; with local data I can switch from app to app. Yes Apple Maps isn’t as good as google maps, but in some ways is better. I watch the odd YouTube video in private mode but if I watch three videos a month it’s a lot so if it went away I doubt I’d notice. and docs...blech, where to start. I still get new documents from companies I left long ago. The editing tools are primitive.
I know people talk about Apple having a “walled garden” but really for me it’s google that has one, now with a shitty web based interface.
Basically at this point my options are so much better that the privacy is a bonus.
I know people talk about Apple having a “walled garden” but really for me it’s google that has one, now with a shitty web based interface.
Basically at this point my options are so much better that the privacy is a bonus.