Better to fuel your mind with the right foods, supplements, etc. B-complex, good quality sea salt, the right fats -- all good for the brain. And it isn't followed by a crash because it builds capacity rather than squeezing existing resources to get more out of them.
Yeah, I take fish-oil, a b-complex, a regular multi-vitamin, ginko-biloba and a couple of other supplements, and eat moderately healthy and least part of the time. I try not not totally fall into the programmer stereotype when it comes to diet, but the bit about late nights fueled by caffeine and sugar, well... what can I say?
Trying not to belabor the point, but you didn't mention "good quality sea salt". I really think that does important things for the brain and nervous system.
Not really trying to butt in. I've just seen my quality of life go up so much and it's hard to resist sharing my enthusiasm.
EDIT: Oh, and I meant better to feed your brain better than to try "smart drugs". I consume caffeine like it's going out of style. So I didn't mean that.
Interesting... I've never really thought about "sea salt" as being something to seek out specifically. I do consume some, because I eat a lot of nuts (cashews, pecans, almonds, etc.) that are often salted with sea-salt. I have no idea whether or not that constitutes "good quality sea salt" though.
I'll have to do some research, thanks for the pointer.