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It is included on the .... :)

...That reminds me of a cartoon I saw in an old Apple ][ magazine:

(One kid talking to another, with dad in the background hunched over an Apple ][.)

"Daddy's playing UCSD Pascal. That's the game where you try and see how many dots you can get before it beeps and you say nasty words."


UCSD p-System Program Development (p. 2-4)

While the compiler is running, it displays a report of its progress on the screen in this manner:

    Pascal compiler - release level VERSION
    <   0> ...................
    <  19> .......................................
    <  61> .......................................
    < 111> .......
    < 119> ......................................

    237 lines compiled
    MYPROG ..
During the first pass, the compiler displays the name of each routine. In this example, INITIALIZE, AROUTINE, and MYPROG are the routines. The numbers enclosed within angle brackets, < >, are the current line numbers and each dot on the screen represents one source line compiled.

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