Without inequality we would not have airplanes, transatlantic cables, jet engines, electric cars, SpaceX, cloud computing, radar, internet phones, steel, automobiles, the textile industry, fuel, plentiful food, fresh fruit year round, etc.
> One could also argue that some of these (textile industry, cloud computing) are bad.
You could, but the textile industry freed women from endlessly spinning thread and making cloth. Pretty much nobody does that anymore. I don't want to spend my life making cloth the pre-industrial way. Do you?
In colonial America, archaeological bone evidence shows the colonists worked like dogs and died young. Not very romantic.
Someone is always going to be stronger, faster, taller, younger, better looking, have more things, etc., than you do. If you use the envy to improve your life, then it's good. If you use the envy to tear down others to your level, that's not so good.
You are implying that there should be "optimal" levels in wealth inequality, but do we really have relative limits/levels for any other unequality aspect (strength, speed, height, age, or beauty) to say there should be one on wealth?