With sandwich shops, location is a key differentiator. We are X for Y, where X is the sandwich shop and Y is specific location.
Sandwich shops is also a highly competitive market. As such, when you look at a snapshot in time it seems like there is diversity without strong differentiation. However, in most cases, if you look at it historically you’ll see that differentiation at inception was required.
Fun note - the largest sandwich shop of all started growth when it became “a commercial real-estate company for franchised sandwich shops”.
This grab for the #1 slot analysis robs the richness of expression that businesses provide.
The trophy model implicates that everyone but a single group walks away losers. It's not a necessary model or, in my opinion, a healthy encouraging analysis. We are the most social species to ever exist, something that requires ruthless cutthroat individualistic competition leaves out the vast majority of humans who aren't like that.
In some markers, the players try to stomp on each other's heads acting like tyrants while in others they coexist peacefully. Not everyone is always trying to be a dick.
With sandwich shops, location is a key differentiator. We are X for Y, where X is the sandwich shop and Y is specific location.
Sandwich shops is also a highly competitive market. As such, when you look at a snapshot in time it seems like there is diversity without strong differentiation. However, in most cases, if you look at it historically you’ll see that differentiation at inception was required.
Fun note - the largest sandwich shop of all started growth when it became “a commercial real-estate company for franchised sandwich shops”.