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Stuff To Do - prioritize and share tasks, time tracking (beta) (dedasys.com)
2 points by davidw on March 4, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Still quite beta, doesn't work with IE, but I think I have hit on a few good ideas with it. It's certainly an area with a lot of competitors though, so I'm not sure how far I'll take it. Thoughts?

You should try WorkHack.com, it is a todo list compatible with IE and firefox.

Don't worry, I'm busy working on Stuff To Do right now to make it work with IE.

Also, some extras that Stuff To Do has:

* Groups - share tasks with other people in your work group with simple drag/drop.

* Time tracking. Keep track of how much time you've spent on each thing.

* Reports. No fancy graphs, yet, but it does break things down by day and task over preselected time periods.

Cool, good luck, also consider reading http://gettingreal.37signals.com/ch05_It_Just_Doesnt_Matter.php

I recommend reading the whole book “Getting Real” (free from 37signals) especially chapter 5 on feature selection.

I've read the book. Basically, the features I have are the minimum I needed where I first rolled out the system (my day job). We had to have something that lets people share tasks, and keep track of time. Like they also say in the book, I realize those features aren't for everyone, so I'm happy to concentrate on the niche of people who need them. At work, they really like the system, so I'm confident they're out there.

Cool, good luck, also consider reading http://gettingreal.37signals.com/ch05_It_Just_Doesnt_Matter.php

I recommend reading the whole book “Getting Real” (free from 37signals) especially chapter 5 on feature selection.

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