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".... but if you do run into a skeptic this is pretty good evidence that we made it there eventually, or at least requires the conspiracy to be much more involved =) ..."

There is another conspiracy buster.

Get the skeptic to explain why the CDSCC [0] - the prime receiving station for the moon landing dish in Parkes, NSW, AUS, received the signal directly from the moon via the 3m S-band antenna during the Apollo 11 EVA? [1]

[0] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canberra_Deep_Space_Communicati...

[1] http://www.parkes.atnf.csiro.au/news_events/apollo11/the_pla...

The kind of loon that's going to insist the entire thing was an elaborate soundstage production isn't exactly going to be swayed by claims that the signal, which they think was fake anyway, was received at a given location.

The laser retroreflectors are at least observable now, which is a pretty big distinction.

Minor correction: Canberra and the CDSCC are in the ACT (Australian Capital Territory), not New South Wales. It's OK though, everyone forgets about the ACT.

"... New South Wales ..."

I sourced that from wikipedia, didn't x-check that. Canberra, yeah I know that place ~ http://www.flickr.com/photos/bootload/sets/72157623926679594...

You got it. Canberra[1], the bush capital. Come for the CDSCC, stay for the relaxed prostitution and pornography laws.

1. Despite what Wikipedia says, it's actually more commonly pronounced "Can-bra" because Australians are lazy.

wha? What does Wikipedia say? Canb-e-rra or something? Being Australian I'm too lazy to look it up.

Yeah, I had to get a German to lookup what "ᵊ" really means in the International Phonetic Alphabet. It was only then I found out that of the two listed pronunciations on Wikipedia[1], the first actually is the usual Australian pronunciation that my ill-fated attempt at self-deprecating humour hinged upon.

Damn your completeness, Wikipedia.

1. /ˈkænbᵊrə/, /ˈkænbɛrə/

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