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XKCD is never obligatory.

Seriously, why is anyone "obligated" to post a comic that mentions Python, but adds nothing of substance, and isn't even funny? (http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Anews.ycombinator.com+%...)

Well, "import antigravity" is sure enough a hidden feature of python. Well hidden. So hidden that I couldn't find it in any version of the interpreter :)

Let's be fair. It was funny the first time I saw it.

Damning with faint, faint, faint praise.

ObPython: Learn Smalltalk too!

Why? That's easy: I made a deal with Randall Munrow and as a result I'm legally obligated to post links to XKCD comics all over the web!

Seriously though. I enjoy reading XKCD and the first thing I thought of when I read the title of the post was that comic. Sorry for offending your delicate sense of humor. ;)

(nbpoole, I think Reddit-like humour is wasted here on HackerNews.)

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