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Actually, the origin is supposed to send a `Vary` header if it changes behavior based on any header.

So, if a client sends a 20kb `X-Oversized-Header`, when the server responds with a 400 -- it might be conceivable that it should include `Vary: X-Oversized-Header`.

Is that "really" the right fix? Probably not. But the HTTP RFCs provide `Vary` for exact this kind of reason within HTTP caching: the origin is varying its response based on a subset of headers.

In RFC-world (which may not be the same as the real world), there's no need for `Vary` on a 400 response, because a 400 response isn't cacheable (unless it has a cache-control or expires header).

I feel like HTTP response codes are an attempt to squish several layers of Result monads together into one single many-valued one, where each layer of the original nested set of Results has different caching semantics.

Like, in this case, a 400 is really the origin is saying that it's not even sending you a representation of the resource you requested, because you didn't make a request that can be parsed as any particular resource. It's a Left RequestFormatError instead of a Right CachableResourceRepresentation.

And, annoyingly, the codes don't have any line-up with which layer of the result went bad. 4XX is "client error", sure; but 404 isn't really an "error" at all, but an eminently cacheable representation of the representation of the non-existence of a resource.

It'd be neat to see the HTTP codes rearranged into layers by what caching semantics they require of the implementing UA, such that UAs could just attach behavior to status-code ranges. Maybe in HTTP/4?

Well, HTTP was probably not designed for doing well with caches. You certainly know that the first digit of a HTTP response code tells about some grouping, where jt is

    4xx (Client Error): The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled
I would state that, since this is client-specific, all 4xx responses should not be cached at some proxy/CDN, since he is not the client. And even the client should not cache a 404. A ressource could just be created the next moment.

HTTP was very much designed to work well with caches.

Could be, but there’s a reason to want cachable, proxyable errors here: they’re often very expensive for the origin.

Actualy, handling an error should be cheaper then handling a proper request. Just because an error most likely means an early exit of the handling server -- which means less time-to-answer, i.e. cheaper. (This does not cover any kind of DoS attack, which is always difficult to handle, regardless of an error or non-error answer)

However, effectively we agree with derefr, saying that HTTP status code design did not have this pecularity of cachable vs. non-cachable errors in mind. This is definetly a shortcoming.

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