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Update on Internet Censorship in Iran - Tor Blog (torproject.org)
39 points by cosgroveb on Jan 22, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

The number of directly connecting Iranian Tor users in Iran has dropped from 10000 or so to virtually zero -- they've blacklisted all the known Tor nodes and bridges. It's the latest twist in the arms race ...

"In a short few months, Iran has vastly improved the sophistication of their censorship technologies. Right now, the best option is to use tor through open socks/https proxies."

May the next level will be steganography.

Once again, consider where Iran is buying its networking equipment from. Aren't Western companies directly at fault?

A lot of Tor use is so people can connect to US websites that are blocked "voluntarily" by US companies.

Google code, Sourceforge and many others block Iran.

I'm in Iran and the only left way to access free internet is now UltraSurf! government is banning every opportunity to access websites. some of banned sites in Iran are: facebook, myspace, twitter, youtube, rapidshare, wordpress, bbc, cnn, voa, thepiratebay and LOTS of other ones!! now you can imagine how essential was having tor!

Contact me privately and I will give you a VPN and unfettered access to the net, IF you promise me not to get yourself in trouble.


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