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I try to don’t forget the words “keep your heart pumping”. It really helps your whole body, especially the brain.

I tried jogging in the evening to clear my head and get blood pumping,but I slid back to the same valley after like two hours

I eventually started doing Ironman triathlons. There was something different about those compared to other things like marathons.

But I also wasn't as depressed as a lot of clinically depressed people are. But it could literally be a matter of volume.

But I learned a lot about myself, and once you do an Ironman even once, you have some confidence about doing something really really hard, and you have a (minor) superpower while you're in shape to do one.

So it might be a matter of volume. It might be a jog doesn't sufficiently trigger a subconscious feeling of accomplishment that a longer distance will.

It could be triathlons give you Napoleon Dynamite skills in more that one thing. Nice thing with exercise: you can do lots of things to get it, so try branching out from running. Lift a bit, yoga bit, bike a bit, swim a bit, X-C ski a bit, shoot buckets, trail run, etc.

Sorry to hear that. I should have said that it works best in the long term, and that varies for each one.

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