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The page I saw insulted me. It didn't say "Hang on while we finish up here." I reserve the right to draw conclusions based on their tone, not just on their decision to skip building a cheap and simple web site.

I suspect you are fulfilling exactly what they want out of the page - insulted iOS users foaming at the mouth, expressing their anger and propelling their new site into the headlines with accompanying controversy lasting several days. This will lead to yet more discussion about Flash and the iPad not supporting it which will trickle down to even non-tech users who will slowly absorb the controversy as a simple equation of "the iPad can't do something the Toshiba tablet can".

I think it's a brilliant move.

It hasn't even launched yet. I'm sure the publicity will die down before they ship a single unit.

Toshiba is a major company, and this is a major product launch. I don't think unveiling a single video on their web site is their full advertising plan.

I was referring to the "controversy buzz". Unless they keep reiterating it, I don't see it helping enough to be a huge sales strategy.

evilduck has a good point. Apple announces and launches within an intimate timelime. When will we really see the Xoom? How many people know about the Xoom now? How many will remember it when they launch in April. After the iPad 2 has likely been announced, possibly even shipped?

I'm excited about the potential for Android here in tablet form... I suspect the race will be nearly identical to Apple's on the mobile front... Apple has been a full cycle ahead. They're pushing the technology, they're advancing innovations in Tablet UI (though I think Honeycomb represents a better tablet-progressive than iOS does)... they were ahead on phones, they're ahead on tablets. That impression alone sells people.

Now that I've actually seen the ad -- no, it didn't insult you any more than the Mac vs. PC ads "insult" the PC user. If you take knocks on Apple products as some sort of personal insult, you might want to step back and take a couple deep breaths.

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