The first difference is that Slashdot provides a summary of the news, so most Slashdot users do actually read the news, and makes a few points down in comment; unlike Hacker News, where many don't and just wait for a chance to jump in and post comments. Therefore, the contents are often of a different nature, HN is closer to a forum.
Also, the current Slashdot is truly different from early Slashdot. It seems to be more corporative and commercial. On early Slashdot, you can occasionally see interviews and book reviews dedicated to the community, you rarely see those post nowadays, if any. Also, in recent years, Slashdot implemented (or refused to implement) changes and created a strong opposition within a subgroup of users, and gave to birth of forks of smaller site.
While HN is still here and living well (I do know Lobster is a HN fork).
So both HN and Slashdot needs archives, and they should know better not to push for destructive upgrades that makes reading historical posts difficult. Both work well today, but I don't know what would happen in the future.
The first difference is that Slashdot provides a summary of the news, so most Slashdot users do actually read the news, and makes a few points down in comment; unlike Hacker News, where many don't and just wait for a chance to jump in and post comments. Therefore, the contents are often of a different nature, HN is closer to a forum.
Also, the current Slashdot is truly different from early Slashdot. It seems to be more corporative and commercial. On early Slashdot, you can occasionally see interviews and book reviews dedicated to the community, you rarely see those post nowadays, if any. Also, in recent years, Slashdot implemented (or refused to implement) changes and created a strong opposition within a subgroup of users, and gave to birth of forks of smaller site.
While HN is still here and living well (I do know Lobster is a HN fork).
So both HN and Slashdot needs archives, and they should know better not to push for destructive upgrades that makes reading historical posts difficult. Both work well today, but I don't know what would happen in the future.