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Went trhu the youtube hiring process a while ago.

recruiter told me the interview would be just like google's. And i should study classical algos and python/java/C++ Studied it for 4 weeks until the day they wanted to call me. first question was a javascript one where the interviewer wanted me to remember the getElementsByTagName(*) solution. Heck, 4 weeks watching MIT algo classes and reading TOC and doing the exercises in python or C, i couldn't even remember proper JS syntax on the spot!

Think that was one of the most awful interviews i had. got so nervous on that 1st question that i blanked out trhu all the rest :)

back on topic, i got 5/5 on this list :) 1. degree in design related area 2. learned FE before BE (could do a little desktop and embeded before the web tough) 3. Still prefer pure JS for my personal projects (at work it's YUI, and open source contributions are mostly jquery nowadays) 4. Who aren't? :) 5. first job was at a newspaper

Asking people questions that they could look up the answer to online in a couple of seconds is pointless unless you expect them to be doing critical patches to web code when the internet is down or unavailable.

Fundamentally the interviewing process is not a solved problem. So we have flaws in the system. I agree that playing trivial pursuits is annoying, but what else will they do?

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