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What's even worse is when the engineers usurp everything, from front-end to UX and design.

As a designer, it pains me to see some interfaces that directly represent the back-end model, not the user's task.

The reverse is just as bad.

Dear GDs: Let's not fight anymore, lets work together to make beautiful web-babies.

Love, the Engineers.

PS: Did you lose weight? You look great! Lose the hipster hat.

On second glance, my post was a bit troll-ish.

It was more in reference to large enterprise apps, the one in mind combines 4 formerly separate, disparate apps, a mail server and a file manager into a single install, and doesn’t have any bearing at all to what an actual workflow is. Each Ext tab basically dumps the contents of a database out, or loads an iframe that contains a different install’s instance.

why yes, thank you. Did you get a tan?

are you suggesting I was not working during sunlight hours every damn day for the last three months?

As an front-end engineer, it pains me to see some pixel perfect thing of beauty that a graphic designer has whipped up in Macromedia, with the most $deity-awful pile of auto-generated crud backing it up, with no considerations for usability, or feasibility of making it work on multiple different browsers.

Even getting something close to looking the same across multiple browsers and resolutions is a herculean task.

So yeah, you pooped out something pretty. Well done and all that. Now the hard work begins, polishing that turd until it is dynamic (i.e. loads the appropriate data), usable and accessible.

Get yourself some potty training (e.g. roll the html by hand) and then we'll talk about respect.

I am a front-end, and know Cocoa and deal with back-end systems in my working capacity, so I think I can comment on both sides.

When I said "As a designer," I meant "in the eyes of a designer." Most people here like to wear enough hats that it makes sense.

Try to be a little less condescending next time.

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