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Buy selling a book or work to the public you are making it public.

“After a while” now means 90 years after the creator is dead, or something atrocious like that. So that new study on Alzheimer’s that the government paid for with your tax dollars? Yeah, you can’t read that unless you shell out a small fortune (or go to scihub, which most true scientists use and support). People are dying. This is a real serious problem and we need to start changing the wording so people realize it’s not just bad economics to have intellectual monopoly laws, it’s bad morally.

The issue of government funded research is separate. I actually agree with you that it should be available to the public given that public has purchased that right. However the same cannot be said of private endeavors.

You are claiming that its okay to take peoples labor to save lives. Taking peoples labor is slavery. Yes it is wrong to do that even to save a life. Pressuring people -- sure. Shaming people -- great. Forcing them at the end of a gun barrel. No.

When the janitor cleans the authors home does the janitor then get to charge a royalty to everyone who enters the home?

Um no. Janitorial service is not intellectual property. It doesn't qualify in any way as a 'secret'. There's no 'secret' or private information being shared. If the Janitor publishes a tell-all story about what went on in the author's home, then yes, he does get to charge everyone who reads it.

I appreciate you engaging in the conversation. Thank you for your thoughts. I’m not sure if we’ll come to a consensus at all, but it’s interesting to read your responses. My take is “intellectual property” is a joke of a concept, that is completely arbitrary and has no grounding in the real world (because if you dissect any piece of work, you would find that it “infringes” on the “rights” of the “labor” of countless individuals before). It’s a lie. Plain and simple. Used to benefit the rich and powerful. Intellectual slavery or intellectual monopoly. Those are the true terms here.

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