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Slide Says It's Done Releasing New Facebook Apps (alleyinsider.com)
19 points by nickb on June 8, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I think this quote summarizes the article nicely after review:

“Alas… much the same way that one year into the journey Facebook is no closer to developing a business model, Slide now realizes that a Facebook-obsessed distribution strategy is folly… and a Facebook-centric monetization strategy is as realistic as an orgy starring Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.” - Ashkan Karbasfrooshan of HipMojo.com

I think the term "Facebook apps" is an oxymoron since the FB API doesn't let you build any applications that might be of personal digital assistant-type value.

I'm not sure whether you're confused about the meaning of the word "app" or the word "oxymoron".

Ok, apps is a loose term. The classic "Hello, world"

There was a point where I thought I could enter the top 100 on News.YC. In fact, I was within 50 or so points. But, as the 100 Leaderboard shows (825=#100), you have to continually keep posting. Or submitting good content. I admit on bad days at work or sitting at home in the past I would get a quantum of satisfaction from seeing comments upmodded. Kind of like feeling that I wasn't alone in the world, sitting hiding in my apartment. The feeling that someone anonymous out there liked what I had to say. Now, after one of those great vacations (to Portland, OR) that give you perspective and seeing my frivolous spur-of-the-moment comment downmodded - I can safely say that it's ok. Please downmod if it makes you feel a quantum better. It's easy to follow the pack. I've learned a lot from News.YC but I'm relearning that it's not what you learn, it's what you apply. Some lessons have to be learned first-person and emotionally. News.YC is a safe place to discuss since no one knows who you are. It is a virtual community that can substitute for and even serve as a proxy for real friendships and relationships. All the time I spent on IRC in college was a waste no relationships of lasting value ever developed, basically just small talk for the moment. Yes, I know some of you maintain real-world friendships. And nothing beats meeting people and learning and failing in the real world...

Dude I don't know about you but I don't really give a shit if people downmod me here or anything. I'm just here to learn and enjoy the ride :-) but uhh ok I'll downmod you just for the hell of it.

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