Rwanda is known to be up-and-coming and is doing better at solving their problems than South Africa. At least, their derivative at this point in time looks much better.
Cape Town already has a good tech scene and is a great place to move to for programmers, but I would like to see sustained tech progress in SA's other big cities and then places like Rwanda or the eastern African countries.
>Rwanda is known to be up-and-coming and is doing better at solving their problems than South Africa
I mean, South Africa certainly has its problems, that's for sure. But I mean, Rwanda? With its disappeared opposition, assassinated dissidents, and child soldiers securing Tantalum deposits in Congo?
I don't know man? South Africa certainly has its problems, but even under Apartheid, you didn't see them sending child soldiers into neighboring countries. (Not that sending adult soldiers to secure diamond mines is that much better than sending child soldiers to secure tantalum deposits I suppose? But it just seems not as bad to me.)
Yes, so I agree with you on the human right topic but I think for the Rwanda argument to make sense you should restrict to the last five years or so. I feel pretty wary of Kigama, but maybe they will have a smooth transition to the next guy? Of course, in five years from now it is possible that SA again looks better in their rate of immediate progress than Rwanda.
Also how most people are so scared shitless of anything like the genocide happening again (beyond understandable obviously) and thankful to Kagame it hasn't, they don't really seem to mind too much about the terrible shit he pulls, because it so clearly pales compared to "the alternative", however false a dichotomy that might be.
It's done them well, but at some point the mindset will have to change.
Just hasn't done much for the thousands slaughtered in Congo.
Guy's a murderous turd and the worst kind of genocidal thieving resource warlord. Represents everything Ghana, Senegal, South Africa etc are trying to relegate to history books in Africa. Sooner he's gone, the better for Africa. People won't look at Africa as being quite so barbaric when a certain set of leaders finally die off. Kagame is definitely chief among them.
Cape Town already has a good tech scene and is a great place to move to for programmers, but I would like to see sustained tech progress in SA's other big cities and then places like Rwanda or the eastern African countries.