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Right now, I'm just using qunit + sinon.js. I'm not super happy with it (I'd really like to get to the point where all my development is done via. writing unit tests), but so far it works. Honestly, one of the big advantages of backbone is that because of the structure it forces on your code, unit testing is easier.

Everything ends up being in a small testable chunk that you can stub out the interfaces for and test (see sinon.js, can't say enough good stuff about that). I've also got a small Backbone.sync implementation that just loads test fixtures and returns data from that, allowing me to have a db to test against that's fake and synchronous. With couchdb, all I have to do is take a DB dump of what I want to test, put it into a file in my test directory and I've got instant fixtures.

Any idea how easy or tough it is to integrate with JSTestDriver? I would like to use backbone for our projects but am finding it tough to implement TDD for Backbone controllers (for models its fine) because of the template. Through tests, I am not able to inject the DOM which is expected by the controller templates. I know this is off topic but if someone can help for the same, it will be great.

Thanks, Leena

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