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The main issue I have with sproutcore is that you build the UI in javascript, completely ignoring markup, which feels like a huge regression in layout managment. While this does have performance advantages and Yehuda Katz has promised that they are working on a way for developers to manipulate markup directly thats not how its built to be used currently.

Could you expand on why you feel like building a UI in JS is a regression? Is this a popular sentiment? I really prefer working on layouts without manipulating markup, so I'm curious to why others feel different. Thanks!

HTML was designed with presentation semantics in mind (eg layout) and using Javascript to do the job HTML was designed seems like a waste.

Hope that answers your question.

I completely agree with this sentiment, however I think that templating systems such as JResign's microtemplates or Mustache.js go a long way to helping us avoid the problems associated with using JS to construct views.

All my views are saved as HTML templates with ERB-like syntax for populating the views with dynamic data received via JSON.

Thank you -- it does. If it's not too much trouble, do you have any examples or anecdotes for when HTML made layout really easy, or scripting made layout really hard?

In my experience, there's a sweet spot for HTML/CSS. If I keep things really simple, it makes layouts a breeze. The moment I introduce complexity into the design, I usually wish I had the control of a scripted layout.

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