Yea, I got tired of waiting for Heroku and Joyent invitations so I created NodeFu and open sourced it so that others could have fun too! The repo is at
Fantastic! Are there any real differences between the current node.js cloud platforms (nodefu,, nodeJsCloud, Heroku's service etc...) from an architectural point of view?
Hi, so we wanted to chime in a bit. We are building our node.js hosting platform (nodeJSCloud) on our own hardware, in a data center. Going this route vs using 3rd party hardware EC2 or Rackspace, gives us complete flexibility to do some nifty things. We are going to e-mail out a newsletter shortly with additional details.
For one Joyents platform runs on their "accelerators" which are basically Solaris containers and there is a different package management system to deal with than you may be used to (they use pkgsrc) but it's pretty easy to figure out. Mostly you will just be using node package manager (npm) for node packages.
Thanks for this, I couldn't find the link to github easily. Please put it in a slightly more prominent place, so people get what you mean by "open source node hosting platform". Great job!
On the same line of thought, we're working on which provides Server-side JavaScript hosting (and a browser-based code editor) using the open-source Rhino engine.
To help SSJS in getting main-stream adoption, we've coded some apps, Erbix Forms and Erbix Blog, written completely in JS, which we've open sourced and launched in the Erbix App Store ( ).
Joyent employs ryah. They've been around for 6 years, although I'm not sure how long they've been doing server-side JS (at least since they bought Reasonably Smart at the start of 2009).
I would definitely be inclined to go with the Joyent service since that's where Ryan Dahl (creator of node) works.
And Heroku pretty much rules this realm.
Which gives me the idea: it'd be cool to have a service like this and have it use a user-provided AWS account.
So you could use a service like this to automatically manage the EC2 instances, and then if you need to take control to expand your instances' functionality you just stop using the service.
Great idea! I took notes on the installation of NodeFu on EC2. I would like to include them in the bootstrap readme in the repo so others can easily standup their own instances too.
I am founder of Nodejitsu. Nodejitsu and Nodefu are not related in anyway, although based on reading these comments it looks like NodeFu does use open source software we wrote, which is great to see
New blog post just released: NodeFu - Free Hosting of Your Node.JS Apps In The Cloud! < It's a step-by-step example for deploying a @Tropo node.js communications application on NodeFu!
Has anything of significance actually been developed on Node yet? Seems like there is a lot of excitement about it (like the early Rails days), but I haven't seen any sites announcing they're written in it.
The site had an out-of-memory error probably from all of the Mashable traffic. It's only been online for 2 days and needs more tuning. Thanks everyone!
There is a huuuge demand for ssjs but hard core coders don't want to accept JS is a great programming language for the whole web stack, including mobile apps.