I find it... odd that an article on font rendering is using a 14px forced font size (default: 16px) making the article really hard to read on my 14" laptop screen from a foot away. Subpixel antialiasing on my LCD screen is just not my problem here, author. :)
I am a partially vision-impaired man, and I really can't stand the
dark-grey on light-grey texts that a lot of modern web pages have. They
are essentially unreadable to me. In order to comfortably read this
article, I had to go to Firefox's Style Editor and make the text
actually black.
And it is ironic that an article about text rendering uses such
low-contrast and small-sized text.
I mainly prioritize making my pages work reasonably with different zooms and window sizes, since all I really know for certain is that there's no ideal for everyone.
The font settings are just from a copy of bootstrap from like 6 years ago, because I have absolutely no eye for this sort of thing.