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> But that's literally what a vulnerability is: a weakness.

There is a concerted effort at social engineering so powerful that now the very word meanings are challenged. Vulnerability is always, unequivocally a weakness. It's the very definition of the word.

Redefining vulnerability as strength is exactly 1984's Doublespeak.

Lao Zi called weakness strength thousands of years ago. Maybe there's a useful idea you haven't yet understood.

That's not the definition of the word. It means being wounded or capable of being wounded (Latin vulnus = wound):



Therefore all humans are vulnerable. Where strength vs. weakness enter into it is how one deals with one's vulnerability. That gets complex. Is denial strength or weakness? Maybe both.

I agree, it's a very strange use of the word, and I'm confused as to how it became so popular, but concerted by whom and to what end?

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