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SCTP, another Layer 4 protocol, was designed with multi-homing in mind:

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stream_Control_Transmission_Pr...

I think a lot of the effort put into QUIC, HTTP/2,3,4,whatever, etc, could have been avoided if SCTP was more broadly adopted.

It is a shame.

Do note that SCTP is heavily used in telecom. Every network element in that world needs to be redundant, along with the multiple routes to get to each of those redundant elements. SCTP helps hide some of that from the application layers.


Yes, I think that SS7 architecture was used as some design criteria when it came SCTP. Just about everything in the telco world has (at least) an A- and a B-side for HA.

I believe the issue with SCTP is/was broken middle boxes though and not an aversion to SCTP as a protocol no?

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