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This is sad and embarrassing, but whatever, someone should get a laugh from it:

My very first email was also rocketmail, set up by a friend on a school computer in highschool.

I had no clue what address to pick, so he chose one for me: studhorse69@rocketmail

I wish I was joking.

That’s a pretty good one[1] to put on resumes. Some would be amused others might auto pass on it. It’d be interesting to see how HR staff react if at all.

I’d like to think les clay pool would have taken studbullhecat@rocketmail...

[1]in an amusing way, not for reals.

Hard pass. If you aren’t smart enough to open a free email account at any other provider just for the sake of your resume then I don’t want to work with you on anything important. I don’t care what your personal email address actually is, but I have no interest in working in an office full of bros.

That said, it’s a pretty funny joke (for high school).

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