Proverbs 13:8 "A person’s riches may ransom their life, but the poor cannot respond to threatening rebukes."
I was thinking about it in relation to the US legal system, but it applies to politics as well. If some local politician tries to screw you over, the appropriate response is to throw money at the court of local opinion and whoever will run against them and destroy them at the next election.
After all, if they abuse politics as a means of enriching themselves, they are unworthy to hold office.
Kick up a stink, force a by-election, start taking out ads against them in the papers etc.
Accuse them of corrupting the youth of Athens (worked for Socrates opponents).
Proverbs 13:8 "A person’s riches may ransom their life, but the poor cannot respond to threatening rebukes."
I was thinking about it in relation to the US legal system, but it applies to politics as well. If some local politician tries to screw you over, the appropriate response is to throw money at the court of local opinion and whoever will run against them and destroy them at the next election.
After all, if they abuse politics as a means of enriching themselves, they are unworthy to hold office.
Kick up a stink, force a by-election, start taking out ads against them in the papers etc.
Accuse them of corrupting the youth of Athens (worked for Socrates opponents).