They mentioned that at some point, they hired professional developers to upgrade / update the app. I think this point was glossed over. When did they hire that additional developer? Why did they hire that developer if they didn't need him/her to begin with? And what were the quality / functional differences before and after the update? Could have used more discussion there.
The developers they hired were working on the Android version of the app and I believe at that point, they had a little more money they could actually put toward hiring a developer.
"...We made some mistakes. And it wasn’t perfect. We got done what were able to get done and did the jest of what we wanted to do. And then from there once we got some downloads, we got some money, we had an update done, which was done by some professionals. So yeah."
That seems to imply that they had replaced the original iPhone app that they built with one that a professional built. You might be right, but since it wasn't explored, it could most likely be what was implied above.