> The exact way of accomplishing this is left as an exercise
Perhaps you should undertake this exercise and let us know how it sounds :)
EDIT: In my experience with audio, when I have a bug that introduces even the slightest discontinuity (or even just a cusp) in the audio, well short of a pop to silence, I can still hear a "weirdness". Ears are pretty attuned to things that sound unnatural. I'm not confident that essentially "forging" the audio is going to sound natural.
Perhaps you should undertake this exercise and let us know how it sounds :)
EDIT: In my experience with audio, when I have a bug that introduces even the slightest discontinuity (or even just a cusp) in the audio, well short of a pop to silence, I can still hear a "weirdness". Ears are pretty attuned to things that sound unnatural. I'm not confident that essentially "forging" the audio is going to sound natural.