Did you mean replication rather than partitioning perhaps?
I've found MySQL replication quite easy to use, whereas PostgreSQL has been rather clunkier in my experience. However, I've had the exact opposite experience with respect to partitioning.
MySQL partitioning shines with one specific use-case: time-based data retention. e.g., by using RANGE partitioning over a temporal value, you can very efficiently drop large amounts of old data when no longer needed, and can automate this fairly easily.
For anything else, MySQL partitioning rule-of-thumb is you'll have a bad time, mainly for performance reasons.
We use PostgreSQL date RANGE partitions in our datamart DB for exactly this – functionally instant deletion of old data, without leaving dead tuples in the main table.
I've found MySQL replication quite easy to use, whereas PostgreSQL has been rather clunkier in my experience. However, I've had the exact opposite experience with respect to partitioning.